Founder Editor in Chief: Octavian-Dragomir Jora ISSN (print) 2537 - 2610
ISSN (online) 2558 - 8206
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Workshop Dedicated to the Incentives and Constraints that Affect the Dialogue and Positional Consensus within the Contemporary Epistemic Communities

Workshop Dedicated to the Incentives and Constraints that Affect the Dialogue and Positional Consensus within the Contemporary Epistemic Communities

The Advanced Research Institute of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (BUES) organised, on November 15, 2023, the “Sense / consensus / nonsense in today’s scientific research: Big societal themes and how to approach them with discernment” workshop, an event which was included among the activities assigned to the “BUES excellence research development and promotion through the strengthening of the RDI processes, maintenance of the visibility of the results and impact on the economic sphere in the context of Open Science” [„Dezvoltarea și promovarea cercetării de excelență din ASE prin consolidarea proceselor de CDI, susținerea vizibilității rezultatelor și a impactului asupra mediului economic, în context Open Science”] – CNFIS-FDI-2023-F-0499. The main topic was related to the probing of the (lack of) existence of a market for ideas in the realm of social sciences, especially economics, seen in an inter-/multi-/trans-disciplinary light, as well as ascertaining its (lack of) function, emphasising the situation here in Romania, in a comparatively international context. The marketplace of ideas is a symbolical space which consists of at least three overlapping (or even interconnected) layers – the first one, in which researchers exchange their scientific conclusions based on carefully demonstrated/demonstrable validities; then the one where producers and consumers put forward their business ideas centred around profitability and based on their met/satisfied needs and, finally, the one in which, either in support or in spite of the will of the people and of civil society, politicians either regulate or outright ban some ideas which are considered plainly inadequate or which are simply decreed as inconvenient. 

Presided by Professor Margareta FLORESCU, Ph.D., head of BUES Advanced Research Institute and moderated by Professor Octavian-Dragomir JORA, Ph.D., Œconomica’s editor-in-chief and founder of The Market for Ideas magazine, the event brought together academic members belonging to prestigious education and research national institutions, scholars who have interdisciplinary openness towards fields such as economics, sociology, epistemology and philosophy. Valuable speeches were presented by the following guests: Professor Silviu CERNA, Ph.D., from the West University of Timișoara (“The moral dimension of the market economy”); Professor Emil DINGA, Ph.D., from the Romanian Academy (“Decision theory and sustainability when making economic choices. The impact of evolutionism”); Professor Dan Cristian DABIJA, Ph.D., from the Babeș-Boylai University of Cluj-Napoca (“Criteria for choosing economic scientific journals”); Associate Professor Matei-Alexandru APĂVĂLOAEI, Ph.D., from BUES (“Short guide for economic orientation – What is the purpose of studying the economic phenomenon?”); Assistant Professor Vlad I. ROȘCA, Ph.D., from BUES (“Sense-consensus-nonsense in studying the immigration in Romania”); Assistant Radu USZKAI, Ph.D., from BUES (“The professionalisation of research in philosophy: A critical evaluation”). One of the discussions’ major conclusions relates to the necessity of persevering in exercising self-reflection in (relation to / the context of) Science.



The Market For Ideas Association

The Romanian-American Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture (RAFPEC)

Amfiteatru Economic