Alexandru-Costin Udrea
To most of us, it goes without saying that today’s youth will be tomorrow’s helmsmen amidst the tumultuous sea that life is. For “the little ones had become big, and the big ones had become almost men during the two years they were adrift in the Pacific”. Given that the attention with which adults have called upon the importance of listening to young people has become a leitmotif within our modern democratic society, it is imperative that we, the future helmsmen, do not wait for a second call. On the other side, the mere fact of making your voice heard at least for a tiny bit of time in the middle of this interconnected world cannot represent, in most instances, a satisfactory accomplishment, unless the one who does so is well aware of being a strong vocal cord of one of the many youthful voices which can be heard today alongside our lands. A 19 year-old’s brief analysis of the context in which his existence and that of his beloved ones emerge may hopefully resound in the hearts of other teenagers and young adults scattered upon the face of the Earth. And the past experience has proven that it does. Therefore, I should like to replace Jules Verne’s “Pacific” with our world as it presents today and the two years of forced vacation his characters had to endure with the sabbatical entities that mould our civilization. More