Rubrics » AntiSinTHESES
Economic Growth and Ideas
It is commonly understood that the generation and implementation of new ideas and technologies, or the development of knowledge, are major factors underlying economic performance and growth. Versions of this position go back at least to Schumpeter. A central debate within new growth theory is focused on the role of the “ideas” sector in sustaining equilibrium productivity growth. More
To Be or Not to Be… Charlie!
From the very beginning I should mention that what follows represents a collection of personal opinions and thoughts that will never claim to be the ultimate truth. This does not mean that I do not feel strongly about them and consider them undeniably true. Obviously, as part of this debate every different opinion is welcome because, after all, we are actually examining freedom of expression, which includes the right not to be… Charlie. More
What Should Economics Be?
The economic phenomenon (like any social one) doesn’t come, doesn’t vanish, and doesn’t happen: it is actually produced by the praxiological action (one of the three human actions, beside the theoretical, and practical, respectively) of the human being, in his/her social hypostasis. In the most proper sense, that which pertains to the economy is a social product, and the economic reality is a social construction, i.e. a social reality. More