Ayhan Gücüyener
Ayhan Gücüyener
Expert on energy security and critical energy infrastructure protection, including strategic cyber security; currently a scientific associate in the Energypact Foundation and regional coordinator of International Association of Critical Infrastructure Protection Professionals
The Clash of Realism and Liberalism: Understanding the Nature of Cooperation on Energy Security between Turkey-Azerbaijan and Georgia

The Clash of Realism and Liberalism: Understanding the Nature of Cooperation on Energy Security between Turkey-Azerbaijan and Georgia

The South Caucasus is home to both important reserves of hydrocarbon resources (oil and gas) and a crossroads of transport routes which connect East and West, as well as North and South. However, despite its geographic significance, as Amanda Paul stated, “the region is one of the most security-challenged and fragmented regions in the world”. It is particularly true that, since the end of the Cold War, the political map of South Caucasus has changed dramatically and the region became a focus point for conflict and competition on the international political agenda. More



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The Romanian-American Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture (RAFPEC)

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