Preparing for OECD – Responsible Reforms and Policies
Joining the OECD and embracing its values, especially in the current context, will allow Romania to achieve a better alignment with the OECD motto: “better policies, better lives”. The preparation for accession is not an easy task, but Romania will benefit from the advantage of international expertise, which must be accompanied by determination and consistency in achieving the set objectives. The progress made since the Roadmap for Accession and up to the present is evident, but more is needed.About these advances of Romania, as well as about the challenges regarding necessary reforms and policies, I spoke today [N.B. May 3, 2023] at the opening of the conference “Romania in the OECD: toward the club of the good international economic practices”, organized at the National Bank of Romania, in company with the Prime Minister of Romania, the Governor of the National Bank of Romania and the chief economist of the OECD, Álvaro Santos Pereira. More