George Zgardanas
George Zgardanas
Officer in Hellenic Army, graduate of Hellenic Military Academy, Bachelor in Military Science and Mathematical models of asymmetric threat prediction, M.Sc. Operational Research and Analysis, studying geopolitics, global governance and big data analysis
Operational Research of the Libyan Civil War and the EU Neighborhood Policies

Operational Research of the Libyan Civil War and the EU Neighborhood Policies

The European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) concerns the European Union's (EU) relations with 16 of the Eastern and Southern Neighbors. It is a key element of the EU's foreign policy. The political and economic point of view, segueing into security, focuses on stabilizing the region. Essentially, it is an EU external relations body, aiming at developing and stabilizing these countries. The EU offers financial support to ENP countries if they meet conditions for positive change in countries (political and economic reforms, etc.). The actions of the ENP are fourfold: The Eastern Partnership, the Southern Neighborhood, the Cooperation with Countries along the EU's external borders, and cooperation with neighboring countries. More

National Sovereignty in Crisis

National Sovereignty in Crisis

In the following article, we will analyze the issue of sovereignty, its characteristics and the elements that form and compose the term. Afterwards there will be a historical overview, so that we can observe what was the springboard that led to the introduction of the concept, who dealt extensively with the issue and what were the views that prevailed over the centuries. There will be also an examination of the issue in the modern world and the so-called New World Order, whether with positive or negative connotations. Τhe role of sovereignty will be examined within the international and European organizations, such as: the European Union, the UN, etc. We will also look at the reasons why national sovereignty is indispensable for states, as well as the risks that need to be avoided for it to continue to exist in practice.  More



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The Romanian-American Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture (RAFPEC)

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