Luca Del Monte
Luca Del Monte
Senior Manager at the European Space Agency, currently responsible for the ESA Space Economy Pole of Competences, focusing on the development of Innovation Policy, the new Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) concepts, and the socio-economic-environmental impact assessment
To a Sustainable, Secure and Safe Space Environment

To a Sustainable, Secure and Safe Space Environment

Space-based systems play an important role in our daily lives and businesses. Telecommunications, weather forecasting, financial services, positioning applications and television are just a few of the thousands of services that heavily rely on space-based systems. As space-based systems are vulnerable to various threats, protecting these systems requires us to pay attention to (a) the space segment, (b) the ground, or control segment that is used to upload data to the satellites, to control the satellites’ orbit and performance and its associated ground communications network, and (c) the user segment that consists of any device allowing either to access services. This protection shall consider all phases of the overall mission lifecycle e.g. design, manufacturing, operations including launch phase and disposal phase. More



The Market For Ideas Association

The Romanian-American Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture (RAFPEC)

Amfiteatru Economic