Mary Lucia Darst
Mary Lucia Darst
MA in History and Literature from Columbia University; in addition to working as a writer and researcher, she is an active classical musician
Does “Cultural Appropriation” Mean “Cultural Aggression”?

Does “Cultural Appropriation” Mean “Cultural Aggression”?

Zweig meant his variation of the old adage “Ubi panem, ibi patria” as an expression of the universality of beauty and culture and its power to unite people, regardless of ethnic background, nationality, or social class. His view of culture is certainly an ideal, one that is not acceptable in the modern game of identity politics. Currently, America’s netizen culturati are in a knot over the concept of “cultural appropriation”. The phrase is a semantically null assembly whose sole purpose is to create the illusion of division. The closest encyclopaedic explanation is the notion that there is no such thing as cultural exchange or fluidity in ideas, and any attempt to cross or meld cultures is an act of oppression against a vague and inconsistently chosen minority. Accepting compliments is not a distinguishing trait of the cultural police. More

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

In his article “Opioids and Paternalism”, Dr. David Brown described the new face of American drug addiction, “the new underclass is stymied by economic obsolescence, a sense of victimhood, and an exaggerated view of its own physical damage”. One of my former professors used to say, “don’t re-invent the wheel unnecessarily” to convey the idea that one does not need to create new analyses and methodologies for every problem. In addition to Dr. Brown’s sound scientific and psychological observations, I believe that we may also look to history for enlightenment regarding the current malaise. More

Invitation to the European Resource Bank Meeting

Invitation to the European Resource Bank Meeting

Economic think tanks, entrepreneurs, institutes, and intellectuals assemble annually at the European Resource Bank meeting to discuss the challenges to the free market, individual liberty, and free enterprise facing Europe and the world. This year the event is in Prague, Czech Republic, and will be an exciting three day conference from 13 April through 15 April, 2018. It will be hosted in cooperation with the CERGE-EI Foundation and will take place at the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute. More



The Market For Ideas Association

The Romanian-American Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture (RAFPEC)

Amfiteatru Economic