Founder Editor in Chief: Octavian-Dragomir Jora ISSN (print) 2537 - 2610
ISSN (online) 2558 - 8206
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Owning Now, Owing Then. Culturally Sustainable Development Is about Material Property as Much as It Is about Spiritual Legacy

Owning Now, Owing Then. Culturally Sustainable Development Is about Material Property as Much as It Is about Spiritual Legacy Keynote speech delivered at Social Science and Humanities Research Association’s (SSHRA) XXV International Conference on Business, Economics, Law, Language & Psychology (ICBELLP), 18-19 November 2020, London, UK

Social Science and Humanities Research Association (SSHRA) is an international community of researchers, practitioners, students and educationists that is devoted to the development and the spread of ideas in the field of social sciences and humanities. 

SSHRA is promoted by Eurasia Research. SSHRA aims to bring together worldwide researchers and professionals, encourage intellectual development and create opportunities for networking and collaboration. These objectives are achieved through academic networking, meetings, conferences, workshops, projects, research publications, academic awards and scholarships. 

The driving force behind this association is its diverse members and advisory board, who provide inspiration, ideas, efforts and drive collaborations. Scholars, Researchers, Professionals are invited to become a member of SSHRA and join this ever-growing network, working for benefit of society and research with the spirit of sharing and of mutual growth. 

The outline of my presentation is available here.



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