Research Center in International Business and Economics (CCREI) Internationalization Squared
Research Center in International Business and Economics (CCREI) is an academic entity where the complex processes and phenomena specific to internal and global economic and socio - political landscape are analyzed and interpreted in a professional way. CCREI functions under the umbrella of the Department of International Business and Economics, Faculty of International Business and Economics, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies.
CCREI members are both well-known researchers and young academics, involved in consulting activities in the field of international business and economics for public institutions, enterprises and other social and economic entities. Their expertise cross different areas belonging to international economy and international business; from foreign direct investments, European studies, to international management and international marketing or international finance.
CCREI acts as an integrate research platform, where the efforts, talents and expertise of its members create a synergy for: fulfilling the research objectives of the Department, research assistance for private and public entities, promoting the research capacities of the Faculty, communications the research outputs, cooperation with research entities from Romania and abroad.
An important focus of the CCREI activity is to create research partnerships with private and public entities. CRREI has an excellent human resource capable to produce studies and investigation on complex issues, with an interdisciplinary approach. CCREI promotes its research capabilities towards those interested in professional, ethical and unbiased analyses, based on methodological rigor and creative techniques of investigation.