The 18th International Conference on Business Excellence Smart Solutions for a Sustainable Future (21-23 March 2024, Bucharest, Romania)
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln
Business excellence is about achieving superior business results in relation to the competitors by means of developing and strengthening the management systems and processes of an organization; it is targeted at improving performance and delivering value for all the stakeholders, in a three-dimensional space characterized by uncertainty, complexity and dynamism.
The first goal of this international conference is to reunite specialists from the triple-helix fields: university and research, consultancy and business, and policy making pursuant to optimizing the business added value by providing a stimulating environment for knowledge and knowhow business excellence transfers and alliance formation.
The second goal of this international conference relates to bridging the Romanian business environment with the international business environment by ensuring a better understanding of new challenges, opportunities and threats generated by globalization and competition in general and in fields like energy, social entrepreneurship and others.
The third goal is to place in this newly emergent context the architecture of the business administration higher education by championing new and challenging programs meant to equip the students for a more aggressive competitive business ecosystem.
More here.