The Market for Ideas
The Market for Ideas
Restoring the EU Competitiveness: Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of the Twin Green & Digital Transition

Restoring the EU Competitiveness: Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of the Twin Green & Digital Transition

Since its creation in 1993, the single market has helped to make everyday life easier for people and businesses, fuelling jobs and growth across the EU. In the aftermath of the pandemic crisis and the war against Ukraine, the Council of the EU, through its three Presidencies – France, the Czech Republic and Sweden –, aimed at enabling the Union to overcome the economic and social shocks. The actions supporting this objective were: fully implementing the recovery and resilience plans, strengthening the EU’s resilience, competitiveness and convergence, and ensuring an optimum economic policy coordination. More

Presidential Summits and the Role of the Host States: Lessons from the Three Seas Initiative

Presidential Summits and the Role of the Host States: Lessons from the Three Seas Initiative

The aim of the seminar, organized by the Three Seas Initiative Research Center, affiliated with the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Science, is to review the results of the Three Seas Initiative Summits, the importance of the declarations adopted there, the role of the host states, as well as the challenges facing this model of cooperation. The seminar discussion will also focus on the upcoming summit, which will be held in Bucharest. It is worth noting that Romania is the first state to host the Three Seas Initiative presidential summit for the second time.  More

Time – Resource and Currency

Time – Resource and Currency

Although it is a work that appears – at first glance – to be very analytical, the essence of this book is a relatively simple one – a practical vision for a better world.Continuing the ideas expressed in another book by the same author (For a Golden Romania [Pentru o Românie de Aur – in Romanian] in which the vision of the Romanian economist Anghel Rugină was brought back to light, especially regarding the issue of money – that should be completely backed in precious metals – and monetary systems – either in place, historically, or theoretically imaginable), in Time – Resource and Currency [Timpul – Resursă și monedă – in Romanian], Octavian Bădescu delves into a deep inquiry on the nature of money and its logical and practical essence, while exhorting readers to return with him to the “fundamentals” of economic reasoning. More

The Planet on a Collision Course

The Planet on a Collision Course

The development of science fiction and the Space Race in the mid-twentieth century turned mankind’s attention to the stars, fuelling our collective imagination about the wonders and threats that may lie beyond the skyes, from alien contact to deadly asteroids. The past few years, however, have served as an unkind reminder that our world’s direst challenges come not from the vastness of space, but from within the bounds of our planet. The Covid-19 pandemic that began in early 2020 disrupted the usual comings and goings of societies everywhere in the world, forcing them to face a challenge such as had not been seen in over a century. This has caused significant economic, social and political upheaval due to controversies surrounding the virus, the restrictive measures taken by the government to contain it, and the vaccination campaigns undertaken. Supply chain disruptions, unemployment, rising inflation, grim predictions of a harsh economic recession, opportunistic political infighting, overloaded medical infrastructures, rising Euroscepticism and social divisiveness are some of the more visible effects of the pandemic. More

Investiți în România! [Invest in Romania!] – A New Season at TVR International

Investiți în România! [Invest in Romania!] – A New Season at TVR International

Economics has the benefit of representing a “popular” science, a non-exclusivist one, being accessible to all those who are accustomed to judging with their own minds. But investments, guided by economic common sense, have a “heroic” component, accessible to those who, additionally, have courage.As economists-journalists, we apply, as we understand that it is constantly applied to us, the very “logic of economics” – it is within us and we are part of it. More

ASE reconfirms, for the third consecutive year, the first place in Romania, according to the prestigious Times Higher Education World University Rankings, 2022 edition

ASE reconfirms, for the third consecutive year, the first place in Romania, according to the prestigious Times Higher Education World University Rankings, 2022 edition

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Academia de Studii Economice din București – ASE), the leader of economic and public administration education in Romania, is listed for the third time in a row as the best university in Romania, according to the 2022 edition of the prestigious Times Higher Education World University Rankings, published on September 2, this year. More

Piloting Through the 2020 Corona-World:

Piloting Through the 2020 Corona-World:

The much-lauded Chinese curse of living in interesting times has certainly applied to 2020. The year saw many disruptions, but also the fulfilment of key trends related to inter-state and intra-state conflict. While no one will mourn its end, we may be right to fear that this will only be a continuing act in the ongoing saga of the world’s remaking and the upending of previously cherished certainties, especially in the West.  More

Crossroad Years

Crossroad Years

Human beings are obsessed with identifying trends and motifs in the passage of historical ages and to personalize, even deify, their geographical cradles. From the very sages of cultures and civilization(s) to the common folk, it seems that every turn and twist of time might have a logic of its own, as every chunk of space is teeming with life in its particular rhythms. This craze prevails. It is “sustainable”. More

Sustainable Development – Excerpts from a New Lodestar in the Field

Sustainable Development – Excerpts from a New Lodestar in the Field

Sustainable development has been making the rounds since 1987 as a buzzword to be employed in the rarefied heights of policy discourse on economics, industrialization and much more. Unlike other fashionable concepts, it at least aspires to validity by positing as its main goal the minimization of the cost to the future incurred by advancement in the present. This has many applications, some not utterable anymore in polite society. They include finance, economics, environmentalism (local and global), resource use and many more. The classic example is a society in the present borrowing for wasteful consumption or malinvestment and transferring the burden of its current policies to future generations of taxpayers, including those yet unborn, thereby constraining their own ability to save money and to borrow for projects or for crisis periods. Another example is the exhaustion of common resources under the “tragedy of the commons”, where everybody is incentivized to abuse an asset held in common as gains are privatized, while losses are socialized, leading to an unsustainable pattern and ending in pollution, resource exhaustion and even extinction. The ethics of this can much debated, but the implications are there for all to see. More

2020 Gaudeamus Book Fair, Featuring the Bucharest University of Economic Studies

2020 Gaudeamus Book Fair, Featuring the Bucharest University of Economic Studies

The 27th edition of the Gaudeamus Radio Romania Book Fair took place between November 16-22, 2020. The fair was held exclusively online this year, due to the coronavirus pandemic. The most popular book fair, staged by the most-listened-to radio station in Romania has thus been held continuously for more than a quarter of a century. With this occasion, the Faculty of International Business and Economics, within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, released the treatise entitled International Economic Relations. Theories, Strategies, Policies, Tools and Case Studies [Gheorghe Hurduzeu and Luminița Nicolescu (editors), ASE Publishing House, 2019]. More

The 17th International Conference on Business Excellence

The 17th International Conference on Business Excellence

Business excellence is about achieving superior business results in relation to the competitors by means of developing and strengthening the management systems and processes of an organization; it is targeted at improving performance and delivering value for all the stakeholders, in a three-dimensional space characterized by uncertainty, complexity and dynamism.The first goal of this international conference is to reunite specialists from the triple-helix fields: university and research, consultancy and business, and policy making pursuant to optimizing the business added value by providing a stimulating environment for knowledge and knowhow business excellence transfers and alliance formation. More

International Digital Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Perspectives for Innovative Higher Education 2020

International Digital Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Perspectives for Innovative Higher Education 2020

University of South Asia, Lahore, Pakistan, presents the International Digital Conference 2020 on Multidisciplinary Research and Perspectives for Innovative Higher Education on July 24-25th, 2020. The main topics include: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Machine Learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), Quality in Higher Education, Health Tech, Legal Services, Entrepreneurship, Digital Business, and so forth. More



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The Romanian-American Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture (RAFPEC)

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