The Market for Ideas
The Market for Ideas
The Future of the Outer Space Economy: Powerful States and Visionary Entrepreneurs in the Exoeconomic Paradigm

The Future of the Outer Space Economy: Powerful States and Visionary Entrepreneurs in the Exoeconomic Paradigm

The analysis of the economic integration of the off-planet space in the sphere of human activities is an arduous and complex process, a crucial, even vital one. The exploitation of the outer space has become a decisive component of the technologically advanced economies, offering capabilities that result from applications linked to critical goods and services with millions of users and billions of beneficiaries. More

Three Seas Initiative: New Direction Foreign Policy Council

Three Seas Initiative: New Direction Foreign Policy Council

Since its founding in 2015, the Three Seas Initiative has grown in importance in the region, uniting the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and becoming the primary forum for discussion of investment opportunities and energy security. However, in the last few years it equally begun to represent the collective interests of nations that have most strongly voiced their objection to Russia’s expansionist foreign policy. The Three Seas Initiative now represents a golden opportunity to boost the economies of the region, and defend the interests of its members on the world stage. More

The Future of the Cultural Economy: Ideological Assumptions, Technological Breakthroughs and Ecological Constraints

The Future of the Cultural Economy: Ideological Assumptions, Technological Breakthroughs and Ecological Constraints

The “economic” and “cultural” traits of human existence are brought together by the objective fact of subjective values (that incite our sought ends) and valuations (that inform our chosen means). While “cultural economy” is that interplay of activities related to producing/distributing/consuming spiritualized materiality, “cultural economics” allows us to view/review/preview all of the above. Blamed for obsessively “pricing the priceless” and for stuffing artistry into “production functions”, cultural economics still has many paths open for scrutiny, yet with epistemic prudence and prowess. More

Fostering Recovery through Metaverse Business Modelling

Fostering Recovery through Metaverse Business Modelling

The past years’ uncertainties and pressures resulted from the pandemic, alongside new developments in social technology, 5G, cloud computing, augmented and virtual reality, generated the perfect setting for the Metaverse to gain traction. Several companies found there’s a critical need to redefine the work environment and started exploring the Metaverse concept beyond the entertainment sector. Thus, new tools for collaboration and data visualization within a digital shared space are being created, aiming for a fully immersive interaction between the virtual and the physical worlds within the next few years. While still in its early developments, the Metaverse can be seen as an extension of the social media platforms, and an opportunity to leverage remote work even further. More

Address of the Scientific Community of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv to the Partners and Friends in the World Scientific Community

Address of the Scientific Community of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv to the Partners and Friends in the World Scientific Community

Dear Friends, On February, 24, 2022, Ukraine and its people faced an act of the aggression by the Russian Federation. For mostly a month Ukraine is suffering from brutal, open and large-scale aggression and terror by the Russian Federation in our territory. Aggressor’s troops attack Ukraine’s cities; civilian population, houses, kindergartens, schools, universities are under shelling. These actions are absolutely unacceptable in the 21st century and have already endangered the existence of the democratic world. A lot of our academicians went to the West to save their kids and aged relatives. These are women-scientists as men are forbidden to go out of the state during the war period. The European Union and mostly entire world are supporting those who are struggling to leave their homes and went abroad to save their lives. There are a lot of study programmes and options for our students, PhD students, there are work temporary options for staff and researchers. More

A Far-Reaching Book

A Far-Reaching Book

Erudition and research stand to gain from the publishing of this outstanding two-volume study. Sailing against the winds, three scholars from Iași set out to write not just a mere scientific paper – to keep up with the times – but a book. And it turned out to be an excellent book, meeting the quality standards that a reputable publishing house like Palgrave requires.  More

Pieces of a Puzzling 2050

Pieces of a Puzzling 2050

Imagining the future is frequently a delightful pastime, as evidenced by the numerous science-fiction works that have been published over the last century. The various authors pondered how humanity and the role of human beings (both collectively and individually) will be shaped by the interplay between technological advancement, societal dynamics, cultural trends, political reorganisation, space exploration and environmental change. It would not be wrong to state that some of these works have anticipated or even encouraged the development of some of today’s mundane features: the internet and wireless communication, gadgets with ever-increasing computational power and storage capacity, artificial intelligence, the search for intelligent life in the universe, plans to colonise other planets (i.e., Mars), genetic engineering as well as the negative impact of human activity on the environment and the climate. Of course, while predicting the future is challenging for even the keenest and most knowledgeable of scholars, educated guesses and analyses are still welcome and well-worth engaging in. Below are several takes by Romanian students from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, the Master’s Programme “Geopolitics and Business”, on various issues of interest and how we can expect them to impact the world of less than three decades from now. In short, it is more or less on “their life in 2050”. The selection, assumedly casual rather than scholarly, is based on their subjective current concerns with regard to a future to be objectivated one way or another, which some of them perceive as implacably possible / plausible / probable, whilst others envisage as preferable and somehow influenceable. And if there is one thing to known for certain about the(ir) future, it is just the certainty of its arrival.  More



The Market For Ideas Association

The Romanian-American Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture (RAFPEC)

Amfiteatru Economic