Founder Editor in Chief: Octavian-Dragomir Jora ISSN (print) 2537 - 2610
ISSN (online) 2558 - 8206
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Walking and Writing Across Cultures:  Two Experiences

Walking and Writing Across Cultures:
Two Experiences

The Internationalization Week at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, as seen from the Faculty of International Business and Economics 

The Faculty of International Business and Economics (REI), together with The Romanian Institute for European-Asian Studies (IRSEA) has organized on the 8th of May, at 10:30 am, in the Aula Magna of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), the “ASEAN Day” Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of ASEAN. The event benefited from the presence of their Excellencies, the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in Romania, Diar Nurbintoro, the Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Tran Thanh Cong, and Dato Tajul Aman Mohammad, the Ambassador of Malaysia in Romania. The moderator of the event was Gheorghe Savuică, the former Ambassador of Romania in Indonesia and the current President of IRSEA. The conference was, firstly, dedicated to the students of the university, who were invited to find out more about the accomplishments of ASEAN as well as the challenges the Member States of ASEAN face in the complex international context. The event also appealed to specialists and other people interested in this part of the world, since they received interesting and valuable information from both the lectures and the discussions. 

The Center for American Studies hosted on the 8th of May, 12:00 pm, a roundtable on “The Importance of Literature and of an Education in Humanities for Today’s Students”. Guest speaker was Thomas Cousineau, Professor of English at Washington College and a specialist in the field of international modernist writing. Along with editing a volume titled Beckett in France, he has written four books, including two on Samuel Beckett, one on modernist fiction, and one on the novels of the Austrian writer Thomas Bernhard. He is now completing a book commissioned by the Dalkey Archive Press on the Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa’s modernist epic, The Book of Disquiet. The discussion facilitated by the Romanian economic university focused on the role of humanities, in general, and of literature, in particular, for the education of students with a background in economics, aiming to connect the communication of scientific, documented arguments as well as of artistic, spiritual values among educated people of any background. The following questions were explicitly and implicitly asked within this context: What do we read? Why do / don't we read? What education does fiction offer one?



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The Romanian-American Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture (RAFPEC)

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